What makes

Araleia Geeske


My mission is to create a peaceful society by teaching self healing and inner empowering to women in all walks of life, so that each of you can create the ripple of fulfillment, purpose, balance, joy and inner peace in yourself and in others

If you would ask me what I am good at, I would say: supporting you, encouraging you, loving you beyond what you say or go through.

What I always thought was just a 'normal' thing - to see the good in others, to be willing to help where needed, to have deep conversations, I get to see now as my specialties.

I so often heard people speak about new epiphanies, new dreams, new visions after our conversations and I never thought it had anything to do with me. Why? You can read on this page as well as how self-healing can change your life like it did mine

I definitely didn't get here overnight though.

In fact, quite the opposite...

Quite early in childhood I learned my parents would not be my safe haven. I will spare you the details, although I know there are people who say that it is the way to bond with your audience. In my world, I bond with my audience through unconditional love, and that is a different story...

Okay, a little tip of the iceberg: in primary school (from 6 till 12 years old) I lived in 5 different houses, I attended 4 different schools, in 3 different cities and in 2 different countries. It was the pattern I continued in my adult life - always looking for the next place to feel safe, secure, to fit in and never finding it. Not in the houses, not in the cities, not in the jobs, not in the relationships.

Well into my thirties I compensated inner emptyness with hard work, perfectionism and being emotionally unavailable for others and especially myself.

From a burn out in 2011 I went on a search. Very cautiously as I did not want to disrupt too much of the fragile bonds I had created within myself.

8 years later I came across a Hawaiian tradition that gently taught me to heal myself, to take new directions and to - again cautiously - start taking responsibility for my life, for my dreams, for my purpose.

It was the first time a healing tool really had a long term effect, I was fascinated. I started reading about Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len, the psychiatrist who released the psychiatric ward of a prison, by being willing to take responsibility for his reactions, thoughts and opinions on the inmates.

What's more, I did it differently than most...

Instead of looking outward for help, I looked inward.

Deep down, underneath the day to day troubles, underneath the survival systems, underneath the beliefs and convictions, I found parts of me I had never ever met!

Cleaning up inside brought so much more inspiration, so much more direction and so much more openness to the people I love guiding on their path to inner freedom, inner love, inner understanding.

It doesn't matter if no one else believes in you.

What matters is if YOU believe in YOU

If your believe in YOU is not that massive at this moment and you feel you are ready to change that, know that the time is ripe to do a big clean up. To clean up the 'garbage', the negative thoughts, the misconceptions, the neediness, the easily distracted patterns, the self-doubt, any 'garbage' that is not serving and to replace it with unconditional love for yourself.

You are the most important person in your life

Not your partner, not your children, not your parents. YOU!

You have been conditioned to think the outside world is more important than you. But everything starts with YOU. With that beautiful being that has chosen to walk this earth at this very moment, in your body, with your thoughts, with your abilities and also within these (sometimes very) uncomfortable circumstances of he present time and the present you.

No-one can do YOU the way you can. Including all the survival mechanisms, limiting beliefs, adversities, negative self-talk and learned behaviours. It is still you.

No-one can do YOU the way you can.

Your Brilliance, your Light, your Love,

your Smile, your Amazingness

In the past years I discovered that my brilliance is not so much in the questions I ask or the guidance I give people. The difference is made because I am willing to listen with an open heart and practice my self-healing tools on anything that is touched in me in the conversation with you.

You read that right. I do not heal you. I do not pretend that I am able to heal you and I do not aim to change you. You are the most perfect version of you that you have ever been.

I aim to heal the effect you have on me, the patterns that surface in me through that conversation. With that I heal the energy bonds between us. The effect: you will feel that the energetic connection between you and me is cleaning up and therefore you will feel lighter, enthused, energised.

Through healing me, I heal you. But the objective is not to heal you. It is to heal me.

That is what I offer you. My unconditional ears, heart and love, so you can start finding that into yourself.

I know this is controversial because we are raised so differently, but let me ask you:

'How does putting the other one first serve you? How do you feel after years and years of looking after your partner, your children, your parents, your grandparents first and putting yourself last?'

A lot of my clients feel depleted, out of balance. Because it is never enough. Some people will continue asking and asking because you have always given and they are used to having you to take care of them. They prioritize themselves and their wellbeing. What about you starting to do that?

Let me tell you, it is a massive shift. And it is exactly what doctor Ihaleakala Hew Len did. He did not have one conversation with any of the inmates to 'dig into their past' or 'to understand their motives' or whatever it is that psychiatrists do. He read their files, felt disturbed, practiced self-healing, took responsibility for his reactions, opinions, feelings and continued reading and clearing, reading and clearing.

He was 100% ready to make the whole psychiatric ward of a prison his sole responsibility.

I am ready to help you go below the surface of today's inconveniences, take responsibility for my energy and listen to every word you say that will release you from your suffering

I am not asking you to become a saint.

I am not asking you to heal your family lines

I am not asking you to become a better version of you

You are perfect as you are.

I am asking you to stop beating yourself up.

I am asking you to look differently at your situations

I am asking you to surrender

I am asking you if you are ready to heal

From within

You are perfect as you are

Care to get even more personal?

I love spending time with people of other cultures

My most impressive memory is when I was in the slums of Nairobi, visiting the mother of one of our streetboys in the project. I was not able to communicate with this lady in any language other than love. So I did. We had an amazing connection, there and then. I can tell you, it changed me. Being able to connect so purely with that lady, beyond any language it was such an eye opener.

I can tell you beautiful stories of working with street children & their mums, in children homes or out on the streets in Guayaquil, Ecuador, in Iquitos, Peru, in Nairobi and Naivasha, Kenya. These experiences have formed me. My first voluntary trip (to Ecuador and Peru), I thought I was serving them. Little did I know how much this experience would change the trajectory of my life in the long run. My second voluntary trip (to Kenya) I was not as follish to think I go there for them, but I did have the intention to be as present as possible for the people I would meet and man, I was blown away with the love and kindness that was showered on me and that I could shower at those beautiful people!

I love living in my caravan in the middle of nature

I can tell you, not a lot of people would choose to live as simple and basic as I do. Eight square metres, (not insulated) and a whole lot of grass, trees and windy weather. And I love it!

I never knew how I craved for nature until I accidentally came to live in my little caravan...

Yes I have electricity and heating - especially happy with that in cold Dutch winters - and no I do not have running water. I go to a little building with some hot showers (the best) and washrooms. Sometimes I walk in the snow to that building. Sometimes the sun poors on me. And when I am very very lucky, the rain poors on me and I have no escape.

In winter time there is almost no-one and I enjoy the quiet and the animals that are tiptoeing around.

In summer all caravans are occupied and there is laughter and voices that keep me company.

It is a magical place for me. When I feel like being kind and open, I can help out as a volunteer, when I feel like recharging and reconnecting with myself, I retreat on my little piece of land and enjoy being me

From inside sales, to volunteer, to customer service to more volunteering ...

My CV shows a LOT of different jobs in a LOT of different industries in a LOT of different cities.

And since 2020 it shows only 2 roles:

Araleia Inspiration Coaching where I journey with people through self-healing on their path of transformation. That is what you find on this website. Small and big nuggets to start your journey of self-empowerment, of fulfillment, of shining your light and loving yourself unconditionally.

I am so happy to be of assistance on your path of transformation. Help you look under the surface and find your golden nuggets! Absolutely amazing to be able to do that for you!

Set Yourself Free, healers on stage where I assist healers to get themselves on a stage and market for a bigger audience. There are so many good marketeers selling healing and so many healers just reaching a small part of their audience! It has to change. I am very stoked about helping you as a healer to find your voice to speak on a bigger stage and in the Set Yourself Free company, we train you how to speak, how to market yourself and how to interact with your audience so that they become your biggest fans!